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Additional Information: "I don't think shoal lore has been touched, like at all. Redo when it has been"
Marked by: "Rylie (talk) 16:13, 10 May 2024 (UTC)"

The Shoal
Basic Information
Official Name: None
Other Names: N/A
Capital: N/A
Structure: Anarchy
Denonym(s): Not Specified
Founded: Unknown

  • Home'world' of vox

"RAWKhiyayayaKAKRIRAWK kiya."
— Unknown shoal thug.

The Shoal is an labyrinth-like space megalith of debris and asteroids fused together over countless orbits, usually refered as the 'homeworld' of Vox. None know if the Vox's true homeworld still exists or is lost to time, or if they even have one. Confusingly, the area of Vox controlled space surrounding the Shoal is also called the Shoal. The areas of the Shoal closest to the newly explored Frontier is called the Outer Shoal Note that the Shoal isn't a literal translation, however it is the most accurate one can get.

The people who live there are under extremely harsh and inhumane conditions, and are forced to be cutthroat and opportunistic. Unlike most homeworlds which have a 5:5 split between the homeworld's species and other species, the majority of the species spread on the Shoal is Vox 9:1. In fact, most (known) Vox live in the Shoal, and is for this reason the life expectancy of Vox is expected to be extremely skewed due to the horrible conditions of the Shoal.

Those taken by Shoal raiders are rumored to be taken back to the Shoal to be sold as slaves. Other rumors speculate those not cut out to be slaves are sold by fleshpeddlers for “extraction”.

Notable Locations

The Shoal

The Shoal is an labyrinth-like space megalith of debris and asteroids fused together over countless orbits. It's like deepmaints but people live there.

Outer Shoal

Conditions in the Outer Shoal are actually worse than in the inner Shoal, and is sparsely populated. It is for this reason that many believe that 'escaping' to the Frontier is very difficult



Cutthroat and opportunistic behavior is often highly encouraged, due to the terrible conditions. Many believe in a sink or swim mentality and betrayal is common place. I'm sure being a therapist here is horrifyingly hard.

Shoal Names

Shoalers generally use indigenous names which often prove hard to write. These names are often enunciated as a series of screeching sounds which are then transcribed into the phonetic equivalents in the Galactic Common alphabet, for example “Kikiriachiki”. By and large Shoalers prefer to keep these phonetic equivalents rather than adopting the naming conventions of other species.


Many of those from the Shoal have grown fond of life among the stars, and typically avoid living on planetary colonies. They have a penchant for capitalism and goods peddling, deep space salvage, and sometimes interstellar crime. Many Shoalers now seek their fortune on the border of civilized space. Some trading with stations and worlds as (questionably legal) merchants, or applying to work for any one of the countless mega-corporations on the frontier. Other Shoalers (of the raiding variety) profit off crime and marauding, hijacking ships, cargo, and sometimes people to bring back to the Shoal.


Little is known of the Shoals past, as well as the Vox's origins. Shoalers do not keep many records beyond personal accomplishments and tales of profit and triumph. They have lived among the Shoal and the stars as long as they or anyone else can remember. It is possible the Shoal went through a dark age before being introduced to the greater galactic community, but this is unconfirmed.


  • Most factions shy away from the Shoal due to the state of anarchy it's in.
  • Despite originating from the Shoal, shoal pirates are actually very hostile to the New Frontiersmen, and clashes between the two are rampant. Rumors of the New Frontiersmen attempting to control the Shoal appear to be false because of this.

Playing a character from this location

As a resident of the System, you might...

  • Have a penchant for capitalism and goods peddling, deep space salvage, and sometimes interstellar crime.
  • Speak in outlandish accents to the annoyance of your fellow crew.
  • Make plans to take out the captain and abandon ship, only if the need arises, of course.

Others probably...

  • Consider you a nomadic pest and likely criminal.
  • Request you speak in anything other than Vox Pidgin on the radio.
  • Assume you have at least one underground connection.

Common Misconceptions

Due to the nebulous and often exaggerated records of Shoal history. There are many misconceptions about the Shoal's culture spread by naïve scholars and Shoalers themselves. The following is a list of common misconceptions and what is understood to be the truth of the matter:

  • Vox do not have cortical stacks, and are strictly biological. Cybernetics are reserved for the rich, the successful, and the powerful. Vox born outside of the Shoal may end up with replacement prosthetics due to accidents, but most augmentation is strictly transhumanist in nature in Shoal society, and is thus reserved for the elite.
  • Vox Armalis, Auralis, and Apex do not exist; these instead are the results of Vox who have pursued technological supremacy to the extreme. Many are the survivors who braved the innermost layers of the Shoal in the pursuit of power and came back with untold spoils.
  • Vox are not grown from larval states, and are instead born like any other biological creature.
  • Not all Vox are raised amongst nomads, raiders, or the Shoal. Some find themselves raised into other societies. Many struggle to adapt, however those born in other societies take well to their surroundings and fit in well with their respective cultures just as well as other species.
  • The Vox Inviolate does not exist, and many Vox will eagerly stab their own kind in the back for personal gain. Mistrust between individuals is often heavy.
  • There are no de facto leaders or forms of government in the Shoal. The ruling powers are often wealthy raider lords who made their wealth through cunning and others misfortune. For this reason, outside of the marketplace, it is very dangerous for any other species to travel in the Shoal.

Speaking Patterns

Vox vary in how how well they are able to speak common. Poor common is commonplace among most Vox, but those who work with other races frequently will have a more coherent grasp on the language. While common was designed to be as easy to learn as possible for a wide variety of races, it is especially hostile to those of spacer tongues and well developed pidgins. Vox pidgin is no exception to this, and even those with a solid grasp on common will ultimately face incredible difficulty in appearing to be native speakers.

Some common “shoal”isms frequently observed in those from the Shoal speaking common include:

  • Frequent use of interjections. Uh, hmm, huh, ah, wow and similar are frequently used by less experienced common speakers. Many Shoalers eventually forego the use of common interjections because of the negative associations that link the words to stupidity, and may elect to replace them. These interjections usually sound like Kru, Kree, Krah, Kreh, Skee, Fu, Tkree and similar.
  • Shoalers that can not speak common well tend to use simple, if incorrect phrases to save face. Many value cunning, and appearing as a fool is a great personal insult.
  • When sufficiently overcome by emotion, the language barrier can break down rapidly. Some shoalers will revert to speaking pidgin while others will try to assemble new words haphazard using the common they know.

Example Sentences:

“Khmm... you are not a smart one, are you?”
“Keh. I will do it.”
“Henry is doing job? Kreh, Henry is fast as shellbug. He will die gun death.”
“Khuhu, oh, that is very amusing. Perhaps you have something else to report, khu?”
“I’s sure she is liking you. She is showed gratitude teeth-snarl.”